Underground Naples is a mandatory stop for visitors and for people from Naples. Visiting this substratum that has supported the city of Naples for about 15000 years means immersing yourself in a unique and exciting experience.

For over 30 years, we have been offering excursions in this fascinating and evocative subsoil. Furthermore, with the help of the members of the Association who work – without ever having received any type of funding from public institutions or private bodies – in the recovery and enhancement of the subsoil, important civil engineering works of antiquity have been recovered.

Thanks to the expertise and collaboration of the Association, whose sole purpose is to make the city of Naples known and loved, Underground Naples has represented a fundamental starting point for other realities born in Italy and Europe.

Taking part in this excursion does not just mean making a 40-meter-deep journey between tunnels and cisterns: it means immersing yourself completely in the historical path, 2400 years long, that has faced the city of Naples and its inhabitants.

In fact, during the excursion it will be possible to admire various historical artifacts ranging from the remains of the ancient Greek-Roman aqueduct to the bomb shelters of the Second World War: a real walking journey through time.

  • Greek-Roman Theater
  • War Museum
  • Co.R.E. Gallery
  • Tufello wine
  • Hypogeum Gardens

Taking this journey through time is possible thanks to the ancient origins of the subsoil of Naples which can be placed in prehistoric times.

This particular substrate has therefore gone through various historical periods, such as the one that began in the third century BC, where the Greeks opened the first underground quarries to obtain the tuff blocks necessary to build the walls and temples of their Neapolis.

In Roman times, the impressive development of the underground network began: the Romans in the Augustan era endowed the city with road tunnels and a network of complex aqueducts, fed by underground conduits coming from the sources of the Serino, 70 km away from the center of Naples.

Other branches of the aqueduct from the Augustan age reached Miseno, to feed the Piscina mirabilis, which was the water reserve of the Roman fleet.

Wide only enough to let a man pass through, the tunnels of the aqueduct branched off in all directions, with the aim of feeding fountains and houses located in different areas of the upper city.

On the walls, you can still see traces of the hydraulic plaster, used by ancient engineers to waterproof the tunnels.

In the 16th century, the old aqueduct and the many rainwater cisterns were no longer able to satisfy the need for water of the city, that had spread like wildfire and this is the reason the wealthy Neapolitan nobleman Cesare Carmignano built a new aqueduct.

It was only at the beginning of the twentieth century that the city stopped digging underground for water supplies and a network of tunnels and terns spread throughout the city of over 2,000,000 square meters was abandoned.

The basements were then used during the Second World War as air-raid shelters to protect people  from the disastrous bombings that hit the city: the cavities were illuminated and arranged to accommodate dozens and dozens of people who, at the sound of the siren, hurried down the stairs..

Remains of furniture, graffiti and various objects in excellent condition still testify today to the great fear of bombing and the several moments of the day lived in the shelters, bringing to the surface an important but at the same time tragic period in the history of the city.

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